
Compare and Contrast  

My sister’s keeper the book and my sister’s keeper the movies are very similar but as well have their differences. Thought both stories are slightly different they are both extremely interesting with the way the story is told.

                     There are a lot of similarities between the movie and the novel.  Majority of the characters are the same and act the same way. The plot of the story of how the oldest sister Kate is diagnosing with cancer at a young age is still true. The main event that happen throughout the novel and movie are the same. The mother Sara is stilling fighting for her daughter Kate’s life, even when the other entire family member isn’t.  Anna gets Campbell Alexander as a lawyer to sue her parent for the rights to her own body in the book likewise in the novel.  The sister dynamic and the mother daughter dynamic between Sara and Kate as well as Sara and Anna are the same in the novel and in the book. The small events are also in the book and the movie.  It is very similar but there are also difference             

                  Some of the differences are small but others have a completely opposite. The differences of the sister’s keeper book compared to the well-known movie are first the location. In the movie the Fitzgerald family lives in California but in the book that family lives in Rhode Island. Another small difference is that in the book Anna, the main character, is the age 13 but in the movie Anna is 11 years old. Thought it is mentioned in the movie that Anna goes to the Firehouse where her dad works but in the novel Anna actually lives there for a period of time. Some of the greater differences are that the characters Julia in the book—the women that helps  Anna with her case alongside Campbell—is not mentioned  at all in the movie.  Also the book discusses how Jesse—the older brother—is troublesome and how he sets fires. Oppose to the movie the trouble of Jesse is left out only mentions his reading problem at a young age. Also on the topic of Jesse in the movie at the end he receives a scholarship to an art school but in the book Jesse becomes a policeman. There is one more huge difference between the movie and the novel but I don’t want to spoil the book for anyone...

Campbell chapter 2

Anna Fitzgerald walked in to the office of Campbell Alexander. As a big time lawyer being confronted by a young girl didn’t have much effect on him. In fact he thought that all Anna needed was help from Planned Parenthood. He actually called the secretary and asked her for Planned Parenthood number.  Thought that was not the reason why Anna Fitzgerald walked in to his office. Anna told him about her sick sister, and how she no longer wants to be a donor.  Campbell told her “No one can make you donate an organ if you don’t want to”. Then she explained to him how her parents believe they do and she told him why and how she was created. This startle Campbell, Anna took out some money but she was very short. Luckily for her Campbell agrees to do the case pro bono. Campbell gave Anna his number and she was on her way.  When Anna walked out Karrie, Campbell’s secretary walked in. Once he told her he was taking the case and pro bono too she was surprised and told him that it might not be the best. Someone who sues her parents might have a lot of problems as home and assures Campbell he isn’t making the right choice. On the other hand Campbell knew that even thought this case won’t make him any money it will bring him good press.


 One of the strongest bonds on this earth is the bond between two sisters. A sister is someone how is always there for you and will do just about anything for you. Your sister will get on you nerves but she will also make everything better when you need it. Whether it is your sister is older or younger the bond between you is invincible.

Anna and Kate’s relationship I find is the strong relationship in the whole book. Physically Anna has been there for her every time she needs it, because Anna was there.  Since Anna was born she was there for her sister by being her donor. Anna was mechanically engineered to be a genetic match for her acute promyeloctic leukemic sister. In fact that is the soul reason Anna was born, to be her sister’s keeper. Kate understood  all that Anna did for her and as much as she needed it to survive she didn’t like what she was doing to her sister.

Every time Kate relapses and needs to be hospitalized so does Anna, by giving Kate whatever she needs whether it is an organ or bone marrow. Since they spend a lot of time together they are really close. They tell each other everything and love each other so much—WARNING WHAT I AM ABOUT TO SAY MIGHT RUIN THE BOOK DON’T CONTINUE TO READ THIS IF YOU HAVENT READ THE BOOK—so they would do anything for each other. Even sue her family so she could die.

To love your sister so much that you will not be selfish and think about how her death will affect you but help her do what she want takes an incredible amount of love and that what it took for them. Their bond was unbreakable so they were able to do something like this no matter the hardship that would come with it. That is how strong their sisterhood was…    




  1. I really enjoyed doing this part, i hoped you enjoyed reading it - Sundus

  2. I liked your image of weighing right and wrong. I guess one can never know until they are put into that particular situation. Do you think one has the right to judge whether the parent's actions were right or wrong? If we don't question the ethical implications of the advancement science and technology, we run the risk of abusing human rights and freedoms. Well done. Keep it up. Ms. Morton
